Special Day!

24 October is a special day because on that date we celebrate National Doctors Day. We celebrate National Doctor's Day as well to appreciate the hard work they have done especially during a pandemic like this. It makes doctors have to work even harder to serve and care for patients.

In a situation like this the doctors play a very important role because they are at the forefront of dealing with it in order to save people from adding casualties. And can we say that a doctor in a situation like this is a very meritorious hero.

Not only that, on 28 October we also commemorate the Youth Pledge Day.

The Youth Pledge (Indonesian: Sumpah Pemuda) was a declaration made on 28 October 1928 by young Indonesian nationalists in the Second Youth Congress (Indonesian: Kongres Pemuda Kedua). They proclaimed three ideals; one motherland, one nation and one language.

We as students and the young generation of the Indonesian nation must commemorate and apply the contents of the youth oath that has been made. This is done not without purpose but by commemorating the Youth Pledge Day, it means that we appreciate the heroes who have been willing to sacrifice for the Indonesian nation.


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