Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction.

When we want to focus on the cause (we use: because, since, as, due to, owing to).
The position is:
Clause 1 + Because/Since/As + Clause 2
Clause 1 + Due to/Owing to + Gerund/Noun 
When we want to focus on the effect (we use: as a resultsotherefore).The position is:

Clause 1 + So/Therefore/As a result + Clause 2



·   I used full fat milk because I did not have skimmed milk at home.

·   I sneezed due to/owing to the spices in the air.

·   Since/As we were not invited to their party, we had our own party at home.


·   He wanted to buy a new house, therefore he started saving up his money.

·   I couldn’t walk for a year as a result of the accident.

·   We had no kiwis so I decided to eat some cherries instead.


We use cause and effect conjunctions to link two sentences and to show their cause and effect relationship.

·   Cause conjunctions (becausedue to/owing tosince/as) are used to introduce the reason of a sentence;

·   Effect conjunctions (as a resultsotherefore) are used to show the purpose of a sentence.



·         Some conjunctions can be used to introduce clauses with the purpose to express the concept of cause or effect.

·         When we want to focus on the cause, the structures are: We always start with the first clause. When the first clause is followed by becausesince or as, we continue with the other clause. When it’s followed by due to or owing to, we continue with a gerund or a noun.

·         When we want to focus on the effect, the structure is: We start with the first clause followed by sotherefore or as a result followed by the other clause.

For example:
— “The sausages are burnt because you cooked them for too long.” / ” The sausages are burnt due to the high temperature of the oven .“= The cause of the sausages being burnt is that you cooked them for too long, or in high temperature.



Syahdan : I’m worried about my friend.
Andhika : What happen with your friend?.
Syahdan : My friend was grounded because he cheated on a test.
Andhika : Oh, he deserves to be punished.

Exercise page 79-81


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