Hopes and Dreams

Ladies and gentleman It has been more than 1 year that Indonesia has been hit by various kinds of unfavorable conditions such as the Covid pandemic which has greatly affected the lives of the Indonesian people starting from the loss of their livelihoods and not only that this pandemic also had a big impact on students. where students find it difficult to study directly with their teachers at school because of this situation

I hope we can make this situation as before and make people's lives more prosperous, and also we must participate to be able to restore the situation in various ways, one of which is by complying with the health protocols that have been made.

That is all and thank you

Hopes and dreams

Hope is something that we want to happen and we work very hard for it to happen. But we are not sure whether it will happen or not and sometimes we can’t do anything about it. Hopes and dreams signal future intentions (Ben, 2012).

The verb ‘hope’ is to express:

•An event that possibly happened (past)

•A event that will possibly happen (future)

To say what you hope about the past, you use the simple past:

  • hope she found the restaurant.
  • hope he passed his class last semester.

To say what you hope about the present, you use the present:

  • hope he‘s all right.
  • hope he knows where the clinic is.

To say what you hope about the future, you use the present (or the future, although it is less common)

  • hope he has a good time in Florida next month. (I hope he’ll have a good time in Florida next month.)
  • hope she comes to see us when she passes through New York.(I hope she’ll come to see us when she passes through New York.)

How to express our hopes:

a. Sentence structure to express hope using ”ing verbs”.

Subject-ing verbComplement
Iam hopingfor some good weather tomorrow
Iam hopingfor a good grade in English.

b. Sentence structure to express hope using “to” and “that”.

Ihopeto study in America next year.
Ihopeto do something beneficial for my country

c.Sentence structure to express hope using verb tenses.

IhopeRahmat found the place
IhopeIwan is having a good time in Bali.
Ihopemy brother will have a good time in Jakarta
IhopeYanti will not see us when she passes by.

Examples to express hope:
– I want to become a doctor.
– I am hoping to finish all my work on time.
– I hope I will realize all my dreams.
– I hope that I will always be honest.
– I hope that I will never lie.


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